Hello friends, 

I’m posting this as an introduction to a new thing I’m doing in my congregation, East Side Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD. It’s part of my work in the congregation, but in this age of technology there’s no need that it be limited to my work at East Side. 

We are a small group, come as you are, occasional, short-term, no pressure gathering of folks who get together around a book a couple times a season. Like the French term laissez-faire [ (les-ay-fair, lay-zay-fair) ] which means “Let (people) do (as they choose)”, we welcome the laziest of readers, so come for the book, stay for the friendships (reading optional)!

Our fall 2021 reading will be Rev. Dr. Anna Madsen’s I Can Do No Other: The Church’s New Here We Stand Moment, and Anna will be joining in some of our conversations! We’ve started our reading on Reformation Sunday October 31, but it’s never too late to join in the conversation. You can receive updates on the Lazy-Faire Reading Group either through my congregation or by simply signing up via the subscribe form on the right side of every page of this site. 

The conversations with Anna over the past month have already sparked some new creativity in me. Here’s my new tune, written over the last week in October and featuring video footage from East Side taken over this past Reformation weekend. Let me know what you think…


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