Now that you’ve logged in and updated your password here are a few pointers for updating your author page. If you have any questions on any of this please make a post in the forum. You can see what everyone’s author page currently looks like at
I’ve designed the site so that whenever you make a post or contribute to a podcast your author page will reference your contribution. This will allow viewers to search for your contributions and connect with you via any social media accounts you provide. An example of how authorship will be cited can be found at the bottom of the welcome post. It looks like this…
Here are the steps to update your author page with a photo, bio, and social media links:
1-If you are logged in you will see “Season And Story” in the upper left corner of your browser. Click on it.
2-Now you will see a list of options on the left side of your browser that will look like this:
3-Click “Profile” (highlighted in blue in the screen shot) and scroll down until you see the area where your photo will go (titled “profile image”). If you already have an image loaded through Gravatar and you want to keep that image, there’s nothing to do here. But if either do not have an image on Gravatar or you want to utilize a different image then simply click on the person outline in the box and follow the prompts to upload an image from your computer (via the “upload files” tab pictured).
4-now scroll down further to add any social media accounts that you would like to show up as icon links. For each field you fill in the corresponding icon will appear on your author page.
5-Your last step is to enter a short biographical statement. You’ll see a second “profile picture” section under your bio (this is for your Gravatar image only – you can ignore it if you don’t utilize Gravatar). Now click “update profile” to save your changes.
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