Hello friends, well, we expected this to go much differently, but that’s a statement many of us can make about something from the last few months or years… still, we’d like you to be part of our ordination service however you are able. Due to the demise of my laptop, we are still figuring out how we will broadcast our ordination service, but we’re fairly confident that it will be broadcast at 2pm (central time) on Saturday, January 16.
We’d also love to have your voices and/or faces included in the service. Here are two ways you may be involved: Sing “Canticle of the Turning” and recite a confession and statement of forgiveness. This confession will be in the midst of the “Street Kyrie” song that we released with Emmanuel Philor Sr. this past fall. The original song video (without the added confession) is here. The video in which you can recite the confession with us is below. Please use headphones when you record your voice and send your video/audio to us by this Thursday (January 14).

The hymn “Canticle of the Turning” is #723 in the ELW hymnal. If you do not have a copy of the hymnal on hand I can send a copy of the score to you. (email Joel) As with the reciting of the confession, please use headphones plugged into either your phone or computer so that I only receive a video/audio recording of your voice. Simply use whatever app (like your phones voice memo app or your phones video app or Zoom on your laptop) hit record, and sing along with this audio file. Then send your recording to either Aimee or Joel by Thursday, January 14. We promise that your voice won’t stick out… we’ll make you sound your best! Thanks for being part of this song in our ordination service.